Open lecture
20th February 2023, 5.00 p.m, virtual session
Free registration
International Inheritance
Margarita Castilla Barea
Professor of Civil Law. University of Cádiz.
Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Alicante Notary and Vice-dean of Valencia Association Notary.
Organised by:
Cátedra de Derecho Notarial de la Universidad de Alicante.
Colegio Notarial de Valencia
20 February 2023
Fundación Notariado
20 February 2023
Histórico de las actividades de la Cátedra
Disinheritance: Is it possible to disinherit a minor?
Open classroom scheduled for January 27, 2025, on “Disinheritance.”
Lecture by Antoni Vaquer i Aloy.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Inheritance Partition: The Division of Inheritance by the Appointed Partitioning Executor
Open classroom scheduled for November 25, 2024, on “Inheritance Partition.”
Lecture by Manuel Espejo Lerdo de Tejada.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.
International Successions
Open classroom scheduled for October 28, 2024, on “International Successions.”
Presentation by Antonio Ripoll Soler.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Current Debates on Family and Inheritance – Workshop VIII
Current Debates on Family and Inheritance scheduled for September 23, 2024, at 5:00 PM. Virtual session.
Aurora López Azcona. Associate Professor of Civil Law, University of Zaragoza.
Montserrat Pereña Vicente. Associate Professor of Civil Law, University Rey Juan Carlos.
José Ramón de Verda y Beamonte. Professor of Civil Law, University of Valencia.
Moderator: Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Award Ceremony for TD, TFG, and TFM 2022-2023
Award Ceremony for the TD, TFG, and TFM prizes for the best studies and research in legal topics awarded by the Notarial Law Chair of the University of Alicante
Tourist apartments and homeowners’ associations: notarial (and registry) aspects
Open classroom scheduled for May 20, 2024, on “Tourist apartments and homeowners’ associations: notarial (and registry) aspects.”
Presentation by Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Iberian Meeting on the Legal Status of Older Adults.
This scientific event is part of the projects:
– “New Challenges of Biomedical Law in the legal-civil protection of older adults” (PID2022-13959608-001), “The socialization of care for the elderly: a challenge after Law 8-2021 (SCCUPER)” (PID2022-13825408-100), financed by MCIN (AE10.13039/501100011033/).
– “FEDER One way to do Europe”, and the research group “Theory of Society and Criminal Responsibility” of CIDPCC, in the scope of financing by FCT with reference “UIDB/04243/2020”.
Current Debates on Family and Successions – VII Workshop
Workshop scheduled for April 29, 2024, on “Current debates on family and successions”.
Presentations by José María Carrau Carbonell and Aurora López Azcona.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Current Debates on Family and Successions – VI Workshop
VI Workshop scheduled for March 11, 2024, on “Current Debates on Family and Successions.”
Presentations by Jesús Estruch, María Ángeles Sánchez, and Eduardo E. Talens.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez.
Interpretation of the Will
Open classroom scheduled for February 12, 2024, on “Interpretation of the Will.”
Presentation by Ana Díaz Martínez.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.