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Open lecture

April 11 2024, 10:30 AM.

Iberian Meeting on the Legal Status of Older Adults.


Beatriz Extremera Fernández.

Profesora Ayudante, Doctora de Derecho Civil. Universidad de Alicante.
Responsabilidad Civil de las Personas Mayores con Discapacidad.

Jorge Duarte Pinheiro.

Professor Associado com Agregação. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.
Limites do Regime do Maior Acompanhado na Protecção das Pessoas Idosas.

Federico Arnau Moya.

Profesor, Doctor de Derecho Civil Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.
El Nuevo Sistema de Guarda de Hecho para las Personas Mayores con Discapacidad en España.

Daniel Morais.

Professor Auxiliar. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.
Financiamento por Via Sucessória dos Cuidados a Pessoas Idosas.

Javier Barceló Doménech.

Catedrático de Derecho Civil. Universidad de Alicante.
O Estatuto do Idoso no Direito Espanhol de Família.

Inês Ferreira Leite y António Brito Neves.

Professores Auxiliares. Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.
Crimes Contra Idosos no Direito Penal Português: Análise Legislativa e da Jurisprudencia.

Past activities of the Research Chair

Rights of LGTBI individuals

Rights of LGTBI individuals

Rights of LGTB individuals, December 18, 2023, 5:00 PM. Virtual session.

Professor of Civil Law. University of Seville.

Presentation title · A “new” “trans” law for Spain (Lights, shadows, and a look beyond gender).

Vice Dean of the Notarial College of Valencia and Notary of Alicante.

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Hereditary Successions

Hereditary Successions

Sucesiones hereditarias, 5 junio 2023, 17.00 horas. Sesión virtual.

Notario de la Vall d’Uixó. Doctor en Derecho

Título de la ponencia · Propuesta de solución al conflicto entre la tesis clásica y la tesis moderna sobre el derecho de transmisión.

Catedrático de Derecho civil. Universidad de Alicante.

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Current debats on inheritances and family

Current debats on inheritances and family

8th may 2023, 5.00 P.M., virtual session


José Ramón de Verda y Beamonte.
Professor of Civil Law. University of Valencia.
The facto guardianship in the context of the disability reform: de facto
guardianship versus curatorship?

Aida Lozano Pascual
Coordinator Prosecutor of Alava
Doubts raised by court decisions on the powers of the facto guardian.

Montserrat Pereña Vicente.
Senior Lecturer in Civil Law. Rey Juan Carlos University
Practical difficulties on the proof of the facto guardianship.

Moderated by:
Antonio Ripoll Soler.
Notary of Alicante.

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Current debats on inheritances and family

Current debats on inheritances and family

Current debates on family and inheritances, 3th april 2023, 5.00 P.M., virtual session


Rafael Verdera Server.
Professor of Civil Law. University of Valencia.
The qualitative protection of the compulsory share

Gorka Galicia Aizpuru.
Professor of Civil Law. University of Basque Conuntry.
The quantitative protection of the compulsory share

Moderated by:
Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Notary of Alicante and Vice-dean of Valencia Notary Association

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