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10th july  2023, 17.00 horas, sesión virtual

Free registration

Owernship, transfer of propierty and inheritance of digital assets in
the metaverse



Autonoma University of Madrid.


University of Alicante.
Organised by:
Notarial Law Chair at the University of Alicante.
UA Metaverse Chair.


Cátedra Metaverso UA

30 junio 2023


28 junio 2023

Histórico de las actividades de la Cátedra

Meeting-Workshop for Sharing Results

Meeting-Workshop for Sharing Results

May 30, 2024, at 12:00 PM.Free registrationMeeting-Workshop for Sharing Results. Seminar of the Department of Civil Law. Faculty of Law. University of Alicante. Collaborators: Notarial Law Chair of the University of Alicante University of Alicante.  Notarial College...

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Iberian Meeting on the Legal Status of Older Adults.

Iberian Meeting on the Legal Status of Older Adults.

This scientific event is part of the projects:
– “New Challenges of Biomedical Law in the legal-civil protection of older adults” (PID2022-13959608-001), “The socialization of care for the elderly: a challenge after Law 8-2021 (SCCUPER)” (PID2022-13825408-100), financed by MCIN (AE10.13039/501100011033/).
– “FEDER One way to do Europe”, and the research group “Theory of Society and Criminal Responsibility” of CIDPCC, in the scope of financing by FCT with reference “UIDB/04243/2020”.

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Elderly People and the Right to Care: A Reality of Our Time

Elderly People and the Right to Care: A Reality of Our Time

Workshop scheduled for February 22, 2024, will focus on: “Elderly People and the Right to Care: A Reality of Our Time”.

Two presentations will be held: “Family Care for the Elderly: at the crossroads of their succession protection” and “The value of care in the civil protection of the elderly”.

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Interpretation of the Will

Interpretation of the Will

Open classroom scheduled for February 12, 2024, on “Interpretation of the Will.”

Presentation by Ana Díaz Martínez.
Moderated by Delfín Martínez Pérez.

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