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Open lecture

23th January 2023, 5.00 p.m, virtual session

Free registration

The innovative agreements on the floor clause: does the jurisprudence of
the Supreme Court respect what is established in the doctrine of the


Manuel Jesús Marín López

Professor of Civil Law. University of Castilla-La Mancha

Gaspar Peral Bernat

Elche Notary and 3th Censor of Valencia Notary Association
Organised by:
Cátedra de Derecho Notarial de la Universidad de Alicante


Colegio Notarial de Valencia

January 23, 2023

Fundación Notariado

January 23, 2023


January 23, 2023


Histórico de las actividades de la Cátedra

Condominium extinction taxation

Condominium extinction taxation

Taxation for the extinction of a condominium
March 13, 2023
5:00 p.m.
Virtual session

Germán Orón Moratal.
Professor of Financial and Tax Law. Universitat Jaume I de Castelló

The tax treatment of the extinction of condominium.

Eduardo García Parra.
Notary of Valencia.

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International inheritance

International inheritance

20th February 2023
5.00 p.m.
Virtual session

Some essential rules of inheritance in Islamic Law. Its possible
collission with the principle of equality and non-discrimination as a
matter of spanish public order.

Margarita Castilla Barea.
Professor of Civil Law. University of Cádiz.

Delfín Martínez Pérez.
Alicante Notary and Vice-dean of Valencia Association Notary.

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Current debats on inheritances and family

Current debats on inheritances and family

19 December 2022, 5.00 p.m., virtual session
II Workshop on current debates on family and inheritance law.

Lecture: Previous instructions for requesting assistance to die: the notary’s role and assessment of capacity.

Montserrat Pereña Vicente

Senior Lecturer in Civil Law. Rey Juan Carlos University.

Lecture: Procedure for requesting assistance to die. The psychiatrist’s role and assessment of capacity.

María Jesús del Yerro Álvarez

Notary serving Alicante and Vice Dean of the Valencia Notary Association.

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Current debats on inheritances and family

Current debats on inheritances and family

24 October 2022, 5:00 p.m., virtual session
I Workshop on current debates on family and inheritance.
Lecture: Public opinion on inheritance in Spain under debate: an approach from the sociology of the family.
Luis Ayuso Sánchez
Professor of Sociology. University of Malaga.
Lecture: Reasons, Trends and Models of Legitimacy Systems.
Rafael Verdera Sánchez
Professor of Civil Law. University of Valencia

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Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

18 July 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity
Lecture: The patrimonial protection of sons with disabilities through the trustee substitution: novelties and difficulties of its legal regime after Law 8/2021
Montserrat Pereña Vicente. Professor of Civil Law. King Juan Carlos University

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Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity

20 June 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on civil law reform with a view to assisting people with dissabilities in exercising their legal capacity
Lecture: The inheritance of the person with disability: problems derived from the suppression of the exemplary substitution
Cristina De Amunátegui Rodríguez. Professor of Civil Law. Complutense University of Madrid

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Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals

Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals

9th May 2022, 5 p.m., virtual session
Open lecture on the new legal regime for animals
Lecture: The notarial function in relation to the Law 17/2021, of 15 december, on legal regime of animals (family crises, inheritance, mortgage and pledge).
Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla.
Catedrático de Derecho civil. Universidad de Sevilla

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